Zeitquartier Blog

Current reports

Coronavirus: own apartment more useful

In these weeks we report regularly in our blog about the coronavirus and its consequences for mobile workers. What you basically need to know about the coronavirus is currently available on the pages of the…

Travel in times of coronavirus

The coronavirus is spreading around the world and not only affecting our daily lives, but also influencing how people travel. Many travelers are unsure whether to postpone business or personal travel. Overall, there is a…

Coworking spaces increase employee satisfaction

We have already published several articles on coworking spaces in our blog. The collaboration of employees outside their own company premises in a cozy atmosphere is attracting more and more young people to the big…

This is how we live in 2020!

What are the home trends in 2020? Around the international furniture fair IMM Cologne (until January 19), experts provide insights. These are the 5 trends we can look forward to this year. Trend No. 1:…

Commuting or temporary living? What pays off?

Many people who often have to work in another city often ask themselves this question: Is commuting worth it or is it better to live in a temporary home? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer….

Shortage of skilled workers: Home away from home as a competitive advantage

Skilled workers are desperately needed in many areas, especially in technical professions or in the IT sector. Many companies complain about competitive disadvantages because their company is not located in one of the big, trendy…

Wohnzimmer mit Couch und TV Gerät

Living on time:
Advantages from lessor’s point of view

Renting out apartments furnished and on a temporary basis pays off for landlords in many cases and in many ways. Many landlords have also been dealing with the topic of ‘living on time’ for quite…

Safe, like in your own four walls

Where do you feel safer – in a hotel or within your own four walls? One’s own home is still considered a place of safety and security. A study specifically asked business travelers where they…

Zimmer mit Stuhl, Tisch, Bett und Fenster

How colors influence our mood

In Germany, we have only known how to make apartments more individual and cozy by using colors or wallpaper since the beginning of the economic miracle. Suddenly, walls couldn’t be colorful or garish enough. At…

New in town? 5 tips to quickly find a connection

The modern working world often requires a temporary change of location. More and more people are therefore living in a new city for a while due to their job. Especially for newcomers to the city,…

How young people want to live: Central, casual and affordable

The young generation lives mobile on all levels. Young people are connected to the entire world via smartphone. They work wherever a hotspot is available. The young, digital nomads are drawn to metropolises such as…

Essen in the summertime

Are you going to live in Essen for a while or are you already doing so? What’s on in Essen in the summer? Let our summer tips inspire you and get to know your temporary…

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